Joe Schuster – Portfolio of Web Projects


Multimedia Producer

Digital Media Specialist
Website UX/UI Design


Art Renaissance Inc 1994-2000
I helped manage, run and maintain an on-going art auction & road-show which visited high-end hotels and resorts across the USA for over 4 years. For 5 years I was an executive in ARI, a national chain of decorative fifteen (15) galleries across the US. In this position I created promotional materials for artists and receptions, planned marketing campaigns, promoted artists at the highest levels of national notoriety along with expanding the galleries both in terms of product offerings and store/gallery re-design. I’ve built or refurbished seven high profile galleries acting as ombudsman with the local staff, national headquarters, contractors and landlords.

London Arts Group

London Arts Group, Inc Dealers in the paintings and sculpture of internationally known artists, the London Arts Group is also one of the largest distributors of original prints in the world, their prints ranging from 15th-century Old Master examples to selections of 19th and 20th-century modern masters such as Renoir, Picasso, and Chagall. Click Here

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